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The Parent Council is a group of parents consisting of a representative from each of the classes at Selwyn who meet up twice a term to look at how well pupils learn at the school. The findings are fed in to the Curriculum and Standards governing body and the Senior Leadership Meetings. At each meeting, we observe a variety of student books, we observe the teaching in the classroom and we also look at and analyse data to get an accurate picture. We will bring any matters that you may have with regard to general learning or standards to the meetings so please note who your representative is and use us. Any specific urgent or personal issues must be must be taken up directly with the class teacher or school.
Parent Council Terms of Reference
The welfare and safeguarding of children is paramount and this should be addressed immediately with a member of staff when a concern is raised.
The Council shall advise the Head teacher / Heads of School on how to:
As a Council member, you should be able to:
1. Visit the school to see how things are done and how effective improvements can be made
2. Attend a meeting every half term
3. Observe lessons and comment on outcomes from a parent point of view
4. Interview teachers and pupils with the support of Head teacher
5. Review on a regular basis:
6. The school’s curricular aims
7. Teaching and learning policies.
8. The Council is to monitor and review the progress of the school's curricular priorities, review
9. progress, comment on resources available for curriculum development and make recommendations
10. to the Heads of School and the Executive Head teacher.
11. The learning council will report to the parent council who will report its findings to the governing
12. body.
13. The council will consist of a Chair, Vice Chair and at least one representative.
Minutes from Meetings: