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Key stage 2 performance results 2024 for Multi-academy Trusts have now been released. 
Arbor Academy Trust is the second highest performing Trust in London and the fourth highest performing Trust in England.
Welcome and thank you for showing an interest in Selwyn Primary School, part of Arbor Academy Trust. We are a family of learners dedicated to growing excellence for all children and staff. In our school, this is a non-negotiable. We aim to develop a strong sense of self and build pupils’ confidence, allowing them to be independent global citizens who develop life skills and achieve their full potential. We provide a safe and caring environment where children flourish and have the opportunity to build positive relationships, make reputable choices and be inspired to become life-long learners. This website gives you an insight into the life of our school however to truly see what we are about you need to experience the ethos of our school. If you would like to visit please contact our school office to make an appointment.
The school day starts at 8:55 am and finishes at 3:25pm.